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British artist John Cooke
chose the beautiful valley of Dentdale as his home because of his love of
its hills, their sense of wildness and the inspiration they provide for his
John is renowned for his
haunting landscapes of the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales but, always
keen to develop and experiment, he has found himself equally inspired and
challenged by the mountains and deserts of Oman, where he is a permanent
exhibitor at the Majlis Gallery in Dubai
John has been
drawing since he was old enough to hold a pencil.
Brought up in the Potteries, he left
Stoke-on-Trent College of Art with a National Diploma in Design in Painting
at Special Level and moved to East Anglia where he taught geography for a
number of years.
However, his love of wild places, where
light and weather can change the landscape dramatically, drew him to the
western Yorkshire Dales and he set up The Hill Studio in Dent in 1976.
Although trained as an oil
painter, John enjoys the challenge of experimenting with different media.
All kinds of subjects spark his interest
and inspiration often comes from actual experiences, such as some chance
effect of light seen and captured in the minds eye. Influenced by the
Impressionists, and particularly Alfred Sisley, John places great importance
on painterly qualities such as the calligraphy of pen and brush in his work.
He has
exhibited at a host of national and international events and has a one-man
exhibition in London each year. His work has been commissioned and published
on book-jackets, calendars, postcards and posters by well-known companies
including Penguin Books, Shell Oil and Reader's Digest.
Private collectors of John's work are
many and come from all walks of life, including the Duke of Kent and actor
Keith Barren.
You will find
Hill Studio just passed the Post Office on the left. The Studio is open most
days but, to be sure, please phone first.
Hill Studio
LA10 5QL
o h n C
o o k e
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015396 253 54
Hill Studio
o h n
o o k e
Paintings and Drawings
The Hill Studio ~ Dent ~
Sedbergh ~ Cumbria ~ England ~ LA10 5QL
015396 25354
[email protected]